Flunkyball Rules


latest version
Sep, 2021


  1. A match is one whole game of Flunkyball.
  2. A lap is a throw from every player still remaining in the game.
  3. A decider is a minigame that results in a winner and a loser.
  4. A pitch is the area and markings where the match is played.


  1. The game is played by two teams.
  2. A team consists of at least one player.
  3. The teams may only differ one in size.



  1. Each player needs at least one container holding a drink.
  2. The contents of the container are to be agreed upon by the teams.
  3. No agreement results in a decider, the winner choosing their own drinks, the loser may choose the same, or drinks, such that both teams have at least the same volume in total and all players drink at least the same relative alcohol content.


  1. Any object that can be tipped over, however, does not tip over by itself, may be the target, agreed upon by the teams.
  2. No agreement results in a decider, the winner choosing the target.

Throwing Object

  1. Any object can be the throwing object, however it must be agreed upon in advance.
  2. Should it no longer be possible to reliably tip over the target with the throwing object, and it is beyond repair, it can be exchanged for a newly agreed upon object.
  3. No agreement results in a decider, the winner choosing the throwing object.


  1. The pitch consists of:
    1. The centre.
    2. The circle, around the centre with the length of the shortest shoe of all players as diameter.
    3. The beerlines, which are equidistant from the centre, while parallel to each other.
  2. The pitch has to be agreed upon by both teams.
  3. No agreement results in a decider, the winner choosing the centre and circle and the loser choosing the beerlines.


  1. A team is either Offence or Defence; If a team is Offence the other is necessarily the Defence and vice versa.
  2. A decider is played, the winner determines if they want to start as Offence or choose side and start as Defence, the loser may choose side if the winner chose to start as Offence.


  1. The objective of the game is for the own team to finish before the other team.
  2. A player is allowed finish at any time if their team is Offence by proving that their drinking container is (quasi) empty, by holding the container upside down over their head.


The game is played in turns — consisting of two phases — until the match ends.

Action Phase

  1. All players have to remain behind their beerlines.
  2. The containers may be repositioned, only by oneself, along the respective beerline, otherwise the containers must rest on the beerline.
  3. One of the Offence’s players remaining in the game, who did not throw in this lap, throws the throwing object, such that at the time of release the throwing object is above the elbow(s) of the players throwing arm(s).
  4. Upon releasing the throwing object, the Reaction Phase starts.

Reaction Phase

  1. The Defence may step over their beerline.
  2. The Offence may start to drink if they successfully and legally used the throwing object to tip over the target or it was tipped over because of the defence.
  3. Once the target is repositioned within the circle, and all players of the Defence return behind their beerline they may signal the Offence to stop. The Offence must stop no later than then.
  4. After all players are behind their beerlines and the throwing object is under the control of the Defence, the Reaction Phase ends and the teams swap roles.


  1. If both teams do not hit the target for two laps, the beerlines may be moved towards the centre, twice the length of the shortest shoe of the players in the team.


  1. It is the obligation of the other team to demand penalties themselves.
  2. Teams may demand penalties until the start of their next throw.
  3. Penalties can only occur self-inflicted or due to legal actions of the other team.
  4. At the offending player’s discretion they are allowed to choose a higher penalty.
  5. Should a penalty no longer be possible, the next higher penalty is given.


In the next Action Phase with the offending party as Offence, the teams swap roles without a throw attempt. The following actions result in a minor penalty:

  1. Leaving the pitch, without unanimous vote of all remaining players.
  2. Stepping in front of the beerline as Offence, or during the Action Phase as Defence.
  3. Lifting the container too early during the Reaction Phase as Offence.
  4. Touching the container during the Reaction Phase as Defence.
  5. Touching someone else’s drink.
  6. The container tipping over without spilling drinks. The container has to be repositioned upright immediatly, without further penalties for touching the container.


The offending party must take an additional drink. The drink can be delegated to exactly one member of the team, remaining or already finished. The following actions result in a major penalty:

  1. The container empties for any other reason than being drunk by the player.
  2. The container is drank from, while the own team is not the Offence or it is not the Reaction Phase.
  3. The container is drank from, while the target is still standing, or after the other team legally signaled to stop, or if the target was not tipped over with a legal throw.
  4. Spitting out drinks.
  5. Puking.


The offending party’s team may no longer step over their beerline in this match. The following action results in a severe penalty:

  1. Deliberately spilling drinks.
  2. The container is drank from, despite not being in Offence or outside of the Reaction Phase.